Creating a future by going beyond ‘business as usual’ and developing a purpose is of paramount importance for all.
As leaders, we need to play our part in realising Good Growth.
Realising Good Growth
A practical guide for business leaders
Good Dividends is a new model of doing business. It now has its own supporting book packed with practical tools, ideas and case studies from leaders like you wishing to embrace a purpose-led approach as a better way of doing business for people, the planet and their communities whilst boosting the bottom-line.
Business has the potential to be the greatest mechanism on the planet to enhance humanity
We need to create a future beyond 'business as usual'
The figure jumped to 12 million in 2022-2023, a rise of 600,000. This means the rate of absolute poverty in the UK now stands at 18% - a rise of 0.78 percentage points.
People are our greatest assets. However, only 47% of adults in the workplace in Europe have been in training and development in 2023.
Women, on average, earn 80% of what men earn for comparable work. Factors contributing to this gap include occupational segregation, discrimination, and the impact of caregiving responsibilities on women's careers.
Employee engagement is the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in both their work and workplace. Highly engaged teams outperform the rest in business outcomes critical to the success of your organisation.
Mobile broadband services are transforming lives worldwide. They provide access to information, education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.
Overall, the estimated number of international migrants has increased over the past five decades. The total estimated 281 million people living in a country other than their countries of birth in 2020 was 128 million more than in 1990 and over three times the estimated number in 1970.
Look after our trees because they can improve air quality, reduce heat by upto 7°C, filter pollutants, reduce noise pollution, and provide shade, making our cities more comfortable and livable. More information at Westonbirt Arboretum.
Reducing food waste conserves valuable resources like water and land used in food production. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with food decomposition in landfills. Minimising waste will contribute to food security and ensure efficient use of resources.
Global temperatures in 2023 blew past expectations to set the warmest year on record, even topping 1.5C in one of the main datasets. This warmth has continued into 2024, meaning that this year is also on track to potentially pass 1.5C in one or more datasets.
Long-term measurements of tide gauges and recent satellite data show that global sea level is rising, with the best estimate of the rate of global-average rise over the last decade being 3.6 mm per year (0.14 inches per year).
The World Wildlife Fund for Nature's (WWF) Living Planet Report (LPR) 2022 found that wildlife populations of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish - have seen a devastating 69% drop on average since 1970.
When it comes to the top 200 entities, the gap between corporations and governments gets even more pronounced: 157 are corporations. Walmart, Apple and Shell all accrued more wealth than even fairly rich countries like Russia, Belgium, Sweden (2018).
Good Dividends
QuoLux, Elmbridge Court, Cheltenham Road East, Gloucester GL3 1JZ
t: +44 (0)1242 386880
Finding a Purpose
SDGs and Social Value
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B Corp
People Dividend
Innovation Dividend
Operations Dividend
Finance Dividend
Reputation-Brand Dividend
Planet-Community Dividend