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People Dividend
Boosting employee engagement


Physical exercise can make your muscles strong and your body fit. Mental activity can be just as beneficial for the brain. People in full-time employment can spend more than 40% of their weekly waking hours at work. Therefore, people need to find work stimulating, enjoyable and purposeful.

People need to understand their purpose and the purpose of the organisation they work for.

Designing a workplace requires leaders to adopt a new mindset about employee needs, as well as new strategies and tools to keep the team focused, engaged and energised. Now more than ever, organisations need to reflect on the ways in which they can support their employees to be able to work and feel their best and keep teams engaged and productive.

A disengaged staff can have a significantly negative effect on productivity, customer service levels and retention.

Business has the potential to be the greatest mechanism on the planet to enhance humanity, if it can galvanise purpose-led leadership to generate Good Dividends. People is one of the six areas of value in the Good Dividends business model.


The benefits of better employee engagement include:
• Cultivate passion
• Retain talent
• Boost productivity
• Lower absenteeism
• Increase profitability
• Reduced risk of depression and other neurological ailments

How do we improve employee engagement?

There are many actions that leaders can do to promote employee engagement.

• Provide a good onboarding experience
• Create a place where people want to work
• Clearly define your expectations
• Be consistent
• Set a good example
• Show you care and offer support
• Reward creativity and praise often

• Criticise constructively
• Offer training and development
• Ask for input and feedback
• Promote from within
• Offer flexible working
• Measure employee engagement
• Learn from those who leave

More Good Dividends


Good Dividends
QuoLux, Elmbridge Court, Cheltenham Road East, Gloucester GL3 1JZ
t: +44 (0)1242 386880