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Sustainable Development Goal #17

Partnerships for the Goals


SDG 17 is about developing mutually respectful partnerships at local, national and international levels. The proceeding SDGs are concerned with what needs doing. Whereas SDG 17 helps us understand how to do it. It suggests to address complex challenges, there must be a bringing together (cooperating and combining) skills and resources from many sectors and disciplines.

Michael Porter observes that businesses should be part of the solution, not a cause of all problems. He also describes the act of creating shared value that addresses a social issue with a business model, i.e. social value + economic value = shared value.

The world's biggest problems need companies to help with misery in the world, and business will play an important role, together with governments, civil society, financial institutions, philanthropists and donors, and the education sector.

Business Opportunities & Benefits

• Global partnerships can open up new markets and opportunities for businesses, expanding their reach and customer base.
• Collaborating with international partners can help organizations mitigate risks associated with geopolitical instability, economic downturns, and supply chain disruptions.
• Partnerships can foster innovation and knowledge sharing, leading to the development of new products, services, and technologies.
• By working together, organisations can achieve economies of scale, reduce costs, and improve efficiency.
• Supporting SDG17 initiatives can contribute to the development of more sustainable and equitable communities around the world.

How can we pursue SDG17?

There are a few things that businesses and individuals can do.

• Encourage the sharing of good practices and information about doing good things.
• Develop partnerships with private companies, academic organisations and charities.
• Encourage your governments to partner with businesses for the implementation of the SDGs.
• Work or volunteer in NGOs that are working towards Global Goals.
• Support export by buying products from developing countries. Pay attention to the Fair Trade label on products which helps to indicate products from local producers in developing countries.

Case Study: Seeking beneficial partnerships

QuoLux™ is a privately owned company specialising in leadership and strategic development, working closely with small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), improving their productivity and profitability, and supporting them to be more purpose-led.

QuoLux™ has worked with hundreds of leaders to acquire the skills and confidence they need to become the best they can be.

In addition, to providing leadership and management training, QuoLux™ facilitates and encourages opportunities for their current clients and alumni companies to explore how they may work together for mutual financial and social benefits.

For example, QuoLux™ has connected a food manufacturing company generating occasional surplus products with a charity that can distribute these food products to groups in need (working towards SDG 1, 2 & 3). Another example is a charity trying to gain employment for homeless people with a company struggling to recruit employees.

The SDGs can be realised with strong partnerships within engaged communities that have, at their centre, purpose-led leadership enhancing people and the planet. QuoLux™ is committed to being a proactive partner, and stakeholder and in shaping UN SDG 17 as leverage for all other Sustainable Development Goals. For example, the company has worked with the UK’s most sustainable university, the University of Gloucestershire, to create a Work Based Learning MBA. QuoLux™ has supported the development of Good Dividends to help deliver purpose and enhance people, the planet and a regenerative economy.

Receiving a quality education is the foundation for improving people’s lives and sustainable development. QuoLux™ aims to substantially increase the number of adults with relevant leadership and management skills to create employment, better jobs and sustainable economic growth. The company encourages leaders to apply their learning and develop themselves, their employees, and their workplace, as well as to positively impact stakeholders, the wider community, and the planet.

QuoLux™ takes action for UN SDG 4 (target 4.4) and UN SDG 8 (target 8.3) and supports leaders to #InspireBelief, to realise their purpose and to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

More SDGs

Good Dividends
QuoLux, Elmbridge Court, Cheltenham Road East, Gloucester GL3 1JZ
t: +44 (0)1242 386880