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Sustainable Development Goal #3

Good Health & Well-Being


Before the Covid pandemic in 2020, good progress had been made in improving reproductive, maternal and child health.

Recognising the interdependence of health and development, SDG3 provide a purposeful plan for people, the planet and prosperity and for improving health and development outcomes.

SDG 3 aspires to ensure health and well-being for all. It also aims to achieve universal health coverage and provide everyone access to safe and effective medicines and vaccines.

Business Opportunities & Benefits

• Investing in employee health programs can lead to a healthier workforce, reducing absenteeism and increasing productivity.
• Providing access to healthcare and wellness programs can boost employee morale and job satisfaction.
• Demonstrating a commitment to employee health and well-being can enhance a company's reputation as an ethical and socially responsible organisation.
• A positive company culture focused on health and well-being can attract top talent to the organisation.
• Investing in preventive care and wellness programs can help reduce healthcare costs for both the company and its employees.

How can an organisation pursue SDG3?

How can businesses promote better health and well-being for their staff locally and contribute globally?
• Encourage physical activities such as walking during breaks.
• Encourage healthy eating and drinking.
• Improve the environment both inside and outside the workplace.
• Sports - arrange sporting activities for staff, including walking, running, swimming, badminton, football, yoga, etc.
• Health and wellness checks - encourage staff to get regular health checks.
• Lifestyle alignment - offer flexible working arrangements that reduce business-personal stress and improve people's work-life balance.
• Support local charities that operate in the health and wellbeing space.

Organisations can also contribute globally:
• Support for NGOs - donation of products, money and time. For example, help to fund organisations delivering improved sanitation and health care.
• Supply chain - ensure that suppliers support health and well-being in their organisations, through comprehensive supply chain audits.
• Products - develop and provide products that help enhance health and well-being globally.

More SDGs

Good Dividends
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t: +44 (0)1242 386880